This program is absolutely free. Despite this fact it is protected by the law for
the reservation of rights.You can play as much as you want, you can make as many
copies as you wish, but you cannot change it in any way. And after all why bother?
you can send me all your suggestions through e-mail at the following address:
* SETUP: *
Some information about the setup and the program. This program was tested on
Windows 95/98/ME/NT4/2000/XP, the result of this test is that: The program dose
not always setup correctly on Windows95 and WindowsNT4. I Strongly recommend you
that DO NOT setup this program on WindowsNT4, the program is compatible but some
DLL's and OCX, affects the Windows system.
In some cases setup needs to update some files, if this happens you need to restart
your computer after the prompt of the setup and run setup again.
First of all, we start off taking into account that you have a basic knowledege of how to play Backgammon and how to use PCs; if you know none of the above, then things are gonna get kind of hard for you!
So, I'm gonna start by saying that the program is full of helpful functions which you will discover by playing a few games. I am gonna describe some of this stuff, only the basic ones, that you need to play the game (I don't wanna get you bored with all this endless Help files, with which I personally get tired very easily). You start a new game by selecting "Game - New Game". To throw the dice just click on one of them, or on "?" in the lower corner (when "?" appears it means that you have to throw the dice). To play moving the piece, you must click once on the line that the piece is in (not necessarily on the item itself) and make a second click on the destination of the movement! (A move with one stroke for both the dice is allowed only when you play a single throw of the dice - be aware!). If - and I say if - you don't have a move to make or you have played the reading of the one dice but cannot play the second, then - in that desperate position -press CTRL+P or select "I am Done! Your Turn." from the menu "Misc". To get a piece back in action after "Alexandra" has hit you, you must make a right click on the point where you want the piece back in! Apart from that, by using right click, you can get the piece you want out of the deck (easy isn't it?). The dice is thrown 100% randomly, and this is something you should know, so that you don't blame it on it! On the "Thought Bar", Di= shows how far your throw is (careful I didn't say good, I said far throw), Dou= shows the number of double throws you've got and Ha= shows the number of p piecees you've got hit / out of the deck. I won't tell you much more, the rest is for you to discover.
I hope you like this first version of the program, on which I am still working on, in order to make it better! (by the way, I expect your email messages). Thank you for choosing "Alexandra the Backgammon" for your amusement! - Oh! I hope "Alexandra" won't get you mad when it drinks coffee, you should have some too!